
Addiction and Psychiatric Care

Grief & Trauma


What is grief?

Grief is a natural response to loss. You can grieve many different types of losses, such as the:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Breakup of a relationship
  • Loss of your health
  • Loss of a job
  • Loss of a friend
  • Death of a pet
  • Sale of your home


Each person goes through grieving in their own way. Some people feel better in weeks; others take months.

When do I need help to overcome grief?

When some time has passed, yet you still feel like you’re stuck in grief and can’t overcome the pain of your loss, you should seek help. You should also consider mental health care if you go into depression or isolate yourself from family and friends.


About 10% of people experience deep grief that lasts longer than a year. To get over this type of prolonged grief, you need personalized treatment from a caring therapist at Addiction and Psychiatric Care.

What is trauma?

Trauma occurs after a dangerous, shocking, or scary experience. Events that frequently cause trauma include:

  • Being bullied
  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Neglect during childhood
  • Car crashes and other accidents
  • Violence in your community (shootings)
  • Robbery or household invasion
  • Natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes)
  • Death or serious illness of friends or family
  • Combat duty and military stressors on family


When you go through a trauma, you experience intense emotions that significantly impact your physical and psychological well-being. As a result, you may develop mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


The emotional fallout caused by trauma can also alter your behavior, thought processes, and physical health. You may have angry outbursts or constantly feel on edge. Some people can’t sleep or perform at school or work. Physical symptoms include fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches, and stomachaches.

When should I seek help for trauma?

It naturally takes some time to get over trauma. But you should contact Addiction and Psychiatric Care if your feelings and symptoms don’t improve in a few weeks, they get worse, or they affect your ability to function at home, work, or school.


With psychotherapy, you learn to understand the impact of your trauma and grief, process your emotions and memories, and learn how to overcome your symptoms. 


To get caring help and support for grief and trauma, call Addiction and Psychiatric Care or book an appointment online today.